We completely renew our website
If you haven’t visited us for a while, today you have seen that our «home» on the Internet has completely changed. In Logística MC we have renewd our entire website and we are delighted to present you at last the result of the work done in the last few weeks.
What are the advantages of the new website of Logística MC?
On the one hand, we have made the change so we can adapt to the new way of navigating that we all have. This new website is adaptable to mobile phones and tablets, making it easier to our customers to obtain the information they are looking for in a more comfortable way.
On the other hand, we have worked in adding some functionalities in the Contact section, because we know that is one of the most used sections by our customers. In our new website we have incorporated an application to the location map that allows you to view the customized route, whatever your origin. So you can arrive to our warehouse without getting lost!
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